Software Development 101: A Detailed Guide


Our modern world revolves around software development. Every smartphone app ever created has software in its web and the complex systems managing the operation of multinational enterprises. It is no wonder that software development can be a stressful subject to approach for many. Software runs the smartphone apps we use every day and the complex systems people depend on to manage multinational businesses. However, software development has a structured basis that can be learned and mastered with time and effort. In this JobsBuster blog post we will discuss in detail about the basic idea of what a software development is, the key terms, and the methods, etc. We hope this blog post will be a better option for you understand more about software development. Without any further delay let us just dive into the topic.


What is software development?

Software development is a substantial process that involves creating, testing, and maintaining computer programs and applications. The first stage as the planning stage is closely related to a detailed analysis of software functions and the requirements set. The second stage – designing involves a detailed description of the future software’s construction, functionality, and further operation. The next step is implementation, commonly confused with coding, which means constructing the actual program or functional of the software with various programming language tools and capacities. Next, testing involves identifying and correcting bugs and issues in the software. Then, the fully-developed software is ready for deployment and usage by the end user.


What are the software development life cycle

The software development life cycle is a system used by developers to design computer programs. There are several methodologies and frameworks in this process. Let us discuss them in detail.


1.Requirement Analysis

In this particular stage the programmers work closely with stakeholders in order to identify and comprehend the required functionality for the software development life cycle. This could be done through interviews, workshops or any other means that will help gather different views about what should be included in the program from client’s perspective as well as end user’s expectation or even business analyst’s point of view. The team then tries to come up with clear objectives for their project after considering functional requirements alone but also non-functional ones like performance standards not forgetting security constraints plus specific business rules which must be followed due to certain regulatory compliance requirements being put in place elsewhere. When requirements have been collected, they need analysis so that they become logical complete and achievable within the scope of the project.



Here the developers are needed to transform the collected requirements into a software solution’s blueprint. This journey begins with architectural designing where they have to think through the whole structure and components of a system by taking into account scalability; reliability; and maintainability among others. Afterwards is detailed designing which involves breaking down architecture into finer levels like database schema design, user interface layout design, API specification design etcetera. At this point programming languages framework selection plus technology stack decisions should be made based on what best suits project requirements or limitations imposed by environment factors.



What is done in the implementation phase is that developers sit down and write code with specific reference to the final design specifications. Here they take the design and turn them to machine-executable code. For this they use particular programming languages and other development tools. The main thing that you need to note is that the coding process has to adhere to certain standards of operation. It is to make the system remains coherent, readable, and maintainable for all parties concerned.



Deployment is a milestone of the software development life cycle; it means the migration of the software from the development environment through the production environment to the end-users. A deployment plan is made to include how to do the deployments (which includes server provisioning, configuration, and data migration tasks) as well as the other resources available for deployment.

Release management processes are set up to deal with different versions of the software including versioning systems, the roll back methods, and the communication system that ensures awareness among stakeholders about the deployment schedule and any time required outage. Deployment operations are newer often the desired deployment automation pipelines and deployment on orchestration tools.



The maintenance phase contains on-going learning activities like sustainment, boosting, and improving software development lifecycle. Among those, fixing the reported errors and bugs are the priority by the patches or hotfixes/updates that ensure the software is working properly and as match as expected. Additions or changes may be made to the application either as the reaction to the feedback from the clients or changes in the business needs in of the organisation devotion to maximum value and user experience.

Performance optimization attempts to locate the bugs or the efficiency issues and provide solutions to the software for the program to be more responsive and scalable. Application of security updates are the very key factor to protect the software against the cyber-threats and discovering the new vulnerabilities.


What are the different types of software development?

Software development consists of various types and of various techniques. Each of these methodologies have their own approaches. Now let us discuss some of the most common methodologies.


1.Agile Development

Agile development mainly measures adaptability, team relationships, and iteration under certain plan’s guidelines. In a similar way, the teams are working in short intervals called iterations or sprints, which usually range from one to four weeks. Through each iteration, they develop, execute and deliver the product increment that could have been in the shipment once it is ready. This method permits teams to modify requests promptly and to accept the suggestions, as they came from customers. The Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP) methodologies are known for the properties which include customer collaboration, responsiveness to changing requirements, valuing the people and interactions over processes, orientation on the working software, and breaking projects into consistent pieces for the constant improvement.



DevOps is an approach and modes of operation predominately used to solve collaboration and integration issues between development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams, aiming to help with the automation of the operations control and also the maintaining of the whole software development lifecycle process. The CD, for the continuous deployment, will automatically deploy codes changes to the production or staging environment after it has successfully passed the test and the quality check. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a way to make infrastructure provisioning and configuration automated which makes infrastructure designer more consistent and scalable.


3.Lean Development

Amending from manufacturing, Lean principles are the ones that do nothing else but bring values in the software development lifecycle. The kind of development of lean involves cutting down any activities that do not add value but the customer such as the documentation or waiting time. It does optimize the performance of work through development process, minimizing clogs and latencies. In a nutshell, lean management involves constructing the product first with quality level in mind, of course, people are empowered to accept responsibility for making decisions and, therefore, processes are continuously improving, and at the very end, the value for customers is delivered in the quickest way possible.


4.Test-Driven Development (TDD)

The test-driven development (TDD) is the programming technique applied by software engineers where unit tests are written before their corresponding code. TDD follows a strict cycle: devs write down a red test that defines the behaviour they want, write the least amount of code necessary to make it pass (green) and refactor after this so that its design but not its behaviour changes, all tests still passing. TDD cultivates software developers’ minds on the desirable appearance of the code prior to writing, therefore, improving the code’s quality, trace defects, and create/maintain a testable and maintainable codebase. TDD techniques put teams in the position of coming up with error-free software which has more test coverage and code structure.


5.Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Continuous strategies make building, delivering and integrating code changes, as well as testing them, a fairly quick and reliable process by automating it. Systems governing versions of code as Git facilitate collaboration of developers and tracking any altered code by time. CI servers run themselves after new code is merged into the code repository, as they constantly build and test the changes so that the members of the development team will get the feedback instantly. Pipelines of deployments are tools in providing an automated way for the deployment of the code to various environments.


Types of Software development Jobs.

According to the top UK job search portal, there are different types jobs related to software development. Let us discuss five important roles in software development.


  1. Software Engineer/Developer

Developers and software engineers undertake architecting, coding, debugging and maintenance of any application or software systems. They cooperate with the requirements and solutions team member to understand their requirement and provide the solutions that will fulfil the user requirements.


  1. Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer

QA engineers must guarantee that software products meet the quality standard before they are delivered to the users as it is their last safeguard to the stability of the software and the users’ experience. They have the responsibility of designing and executing test plans, bug reporting, and coordination with development team in issue resolving. QA engineers carry out an irreplaceable mission of guarantee that software attains extremely high-quality criteria of reliability, speed, and usability.


  1. DevOps Engineer

Unlike usual division into developer and operator functions, DevOps engineers bring these two functions together, and the main purpose is to automate and make smooth innovative products delivery process They do come up with infrastructures maintenance, deploy pipelines, and constantly update monitoring and logging system solutions so that software development become progressively efficient and reliable.


  1. Product Manager

Product managers are the people who lead the process of product building by creating a vision and a route map to get there. They primarily identify the needs of stakeholders, formulate them and lead the project towards the goals of the product. The work of product managers involves working together with cross-functional teams that incorporate developers, designers, marketers, among others, to make sure that the product is created to meet users, and business objectives.


  1. Scrum Master/Agile Coach

Scrum masters, or agile coaches, employees facilitate the adoption of agile practices, mostly within software development teams. They train teams in agile persists (Scrum or Kanban) and intervene if the team encounters any problems. The scrum masters are not only having meetings, for example, daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and the retrospective ones, but they also keep their team concentrated on customer value.


Read Also: Ideal Roadmap on How to Become a Software Developer



The software development area is a changing and a very thrilling field that gives us lots of possibilities which will ensure the development and new ideas under both education and innovation. By having software knowledge and having tenacious and analytically thinking, anyone has a great chance to enter the world of software development and make a real difference in the still growing digital world.

We hope this JobsBuster blog post will be a helpful guide for you. If you have any questions or queries, feel free to post them in the comment section below. Our team will soon contact you.



1.How do contrast between frontend and backend development?

In front end development, the buyer of software makes the user interface and the client-side functionality. This involves both the designing and the implementing phase of building websites or graphical user interfaces (GUIs) which is based on utilizing languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The frontend development focuses on the client-side logic, including the html, css, and javascript that interacts with the user interface.

The backend development, deals with server-side logic, databases, and APIs that enables communication between frontend and backend components. They make their manipulations with programming language options, like Java, Python, or PHP, and frameworks, like Node.js or Django, which helps them make well-structured and scalable back-end solutions.


2.Can you mention the most popular programming languages which are used to develop software?

Software development uses a variety of programming languages of which each is designed to address issues arising within specific programming tasks. Java is a commonly used language owing to its platform independence and versatility, Python enjoyed this year is good as result it is appealing in terms of simplicity and readability, C++ is the choice of many by reason of performance and low-level capabilities, JavaScript is the key to build dynamic web applications, C# is popular to develop Windows applications and games. Just as these languages join the many others that exist today, they collectively form the set of features and abilities needed to build software for everything imaginable.


3.What is the main role of documentation in the software development lifecycle?

Documentation is one of the many key elements that form the whole software development lifecycle. This encompasses of a spectrum of stages from design to implementation. It should be accurate and clear to provide the knowledge and directions which the developers, users, or other participants of the process need. In addition to the user documentation like user manuals, guides and step by step tutorials which work as instructions and support for the end-users, helping better installation, management as well as using the software by the resulted more productive and satisfactory user experience.

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